Far out brusselsprout! Links

A random selection from the mixed bag of nuts I call my bookmarks.

Some of my favourite shed-heads!

buildyouridea Inspirational stuff!  Fantastic Aluminuium CNC router with linear bearings using castings from his own home made foundry.
This was one of my favourite sites when researching my own CNC design.
www.mr-bean.co.uk Fellow shed bodger and CNC tinkerer.  Terry is a recycling crusader who takes in the world's unloved techno scrap and replaces it with inspired creations.
www.jarkman.co.uk If William Morris, Salvador Dali and B.A. Baracus teamed up for scrap heap challenge, Jarkman would kick their butts!
www.5bears.com You've read how I did, now read how it should be done from a precision engineer.   Many is the wry smile I gave as I attacked my wibbly threaded rods on my mini lathe with 5bears advice on how to turn down a ball screw imprinted in my brain.
theworkshop.ca Another inspiring site showing what can be acheived with plenty of hard work, creativity and humour without spending piles of cash.
aardvark.co.nz/pjet/ This man straps himself to his own home made jet engine devices.
Go read about him while he's still with us!
aardvark.co.nz/pjet/ This man straps himself to his own home made jet engine devices.
Go read about him while he's still with us!

CNC Links

buildyourcnc.com Build your own CNC machine using hardware store parts and common hand tools.
www.cnczone.com If you are building a CNC machine...bookmark this link...make it your home page, print out all the pages and read them when you are on the loo.  GO! NOW!!!
www.fromorbit.com Alan Garfield's marvelous open source PICStep stepper motor driver is powering my CNC router mightily.
pminmo.com More open source CNC control and interfacing projects than you could shake a ball screw at.
www.majosoft.com Everything about selfmade CNC engraving machines.
www.probotix.com Affordable CNC stepper motor systems and resources.
www.artsoftcontrols.com Home of Mach3 - Hugely popular CNC control for your windows PC.
www.linuxcnc.org Home of EMC - Hugely popular CNC control for your Linux PC.
www.usbcnc.com Home of USBCNC - USB CNC control for your windows PC.


backyardmetalcasting Just what is says on the tin!

Alternative Energy

otherpower Alternative energy bible.
Another of Terry's sites devoted to harnessing wind power using home made technology.

High voltage and things that go BANG!

www.powerlabs.org Blowing up and zapping things for fun and profit.
jnaudin.free.fr Biefeld Brown Effect Lifters.  I once made a lifter...it worked...i didn't die...this pleased me!!!